Thursday 28 February 2013

Requests go here

Okay, so I figured I would make this the official "Put Your Requests Here" post and have it labelled so it will show up on the side to make it easier to find.

No limit to what retexture requests you have, just don't go super crazy.

A few "rules" to keep in mind

  • If it's a pay hair, I require a free link. Again, this goes for a hair that may be otherwise hard to get (like from Peggy's site now as it won't load for me).
  • Specify if there's a specific retexture you'd like (rainbow, normal shine, streaks, or some other random crazy thing I may potentially be able to do).
  • Know I do have a little bit of a "life" so expect it to not churn out instantaneously. 
  •  You can usually expect it within a day to a week at max (unless I forget, in which case remind me as I have the attention span of a pencil)
  • Cool people are shown favouritism

Put your requests in the comments. :3


  1. Hey! Its really awesome that you are taking requests, a lot of retexture makers that I love usually don't :) I would love it if you could retexture Skysims 087 and 089. I have provided download links :) (087)

    Thank you in advance!

  2. Okie dokie. Just a heads up though for Skysims hairs--every one I've tried so far has turned out really crappy due to how it is made and me not being awesome enough to actually edit the hair itself.

    I did actually retexture 087 but scrapped it 'cause it turned out greasy and flat looking (not to mention the god awful gap on the side of the hair they conveniently hide from view). So I shall have another go at it and see if I can get them to turn out half decent.

    1. Lol, I know what you mean and it's fine if you can't make it work. :)

  3. Skysims really brings the standard of sims hair down. I've had hair 43 in game for ages it sits a bit high on the head but I felt if I found the correct sim to use it on I could. I did and it looked fine in CAS but in the game it is just full of transparency issue. Skysims a waste of megabytes and the sad thing is I really do like their style. If they could learn to mesh I would run all their hairs.

  4. Yes! So much this. And because of the way their meshes are, no matter how I apply my texture to it 99% of the time it will look greasy. At least Newsea and Cazy make the effort.

    I have about 5 Skysims/B-Fly hairs in the works and most turned out like shit on the first attempt. My second and third attempts are a little better, but my textures again look crappy.

    I'm almost embarrassed on their behalf :3

  5. Hey :)
    Happens that EA really surprised me with one of the Aurora Skies hairs - aside from the usual "why?!..." texture, it's shockingly cute and realistic! I would really love (and use) it with your newest texture, with some shine applied.
    Here it is (.package files; the only way I could get them out of the set - first time I've done such thing - I hope they're okay :) ):

    In hope of favoritism: I didn't only choose you for the request by random... ;o) I use lots of your work on my simmies, and I'm especially a big fan of the new texture. Thank you so much if you do this!

    P.S. No Peggyzone for you either? Same here... Actually, I have never, ever seen that site but on screenshots. :D

  6. Downloaded the file and I shall start working on it today--also yes, package files are my preference. :3

    I actually /love/ a lot of the EA store and game hairs...specifically the store hairs--well, not the textures of course. I wish I knew how to extract them from EPs .-.

    1. Cool, thanks!!
      Sorry then for badmouthing EA! :> It's just that when hearing "EA hair", I visualize the ones of Fast Lane Stuff... :D

  7. Oh no, no need to be sorry. When they make a hideous hair, it IS downright hideous--and there are a lot of them. So I know where you're coming from. :3

    I suppose I just like a lot of the casual, normal hair they used to make as that's not something a lot of hair creators make (I hate big, diva-like hairstyles).

    1. Same here. That's why I chose that one - plain lifelike ponytails are hardly to be found, CC or official.

  8. Can you please retexture Rose 0164? I really want the stupid crimped part gone. I found a link to 'the mesh' but I have no idea if that is really it. I cannot find the actual hair anywhere, only the retexture by irink...please and thank you?

  9. That link was blocked for violation. Hrmm I'll see if I can find her version try it.

    1. For me, it isn't blocked (I hope that for a reason :D); here's the mediafire link it contains:

  10. Oooh thank you! I'm about to upload your request btw. Just need to take pics :3

  11. Greetings! I see that you're taking requests and I also like your retextures, especially the rainbow ones.

    I was wondering if you can retexture XMS3-FloraHair010, found at


  12. sorry, originally commented on a different post and won't delete.

    can you retexture Kiolometro's marilyn and amy winehouse hairs please?

    They're both on TSR

    1. Ah if it's on the TSR could you put up a mediafire/download link? I don't recall what placeholder email I used to sign up there and I really can't be arsed to set up another email. XD


      -these are the links; think I did it right:)

  13. Okie dokie, thanks. I'll get them done :3

  14. Hope all has been well. Could you try this hair.I love the style but the textures are blurry and I don't want to delete but it isn't looking good. It is free but you do need to logged into the site. Hope it isn't a problem because I don't have mediafire, etc account.

  15. I do have an account on that site so it's no problem :3

  16. I am a recent fan of your retextures, and i was really happy to see that u take requests. So i was wondering if you could retexture this free one by anubis with your textures.

  17. Hi there! :)
    First off, I just want to say that I LOVE your retextures. The majority of the hairs I have are your textures. I love how real they look without looking TOO real, you know? (At least they do to me... o.o) I got so excited to see that you take retextures, as there's one or two that I would love to have in game but I can't stand the original texture. >_>

    If possible, would you be able to do Raon 19, 77 and/or 35?
    I have these links for the first two, and they're labeled accordingly:
    But if you can't use that one then I can possibly work around it...

    And Raon 35 is here:

    If you're busy or don't want to that's fine, I just thought I'd ask. Thank you for your wonderful retextures, and keep up the great work! ^_^

  18. Hello!

    I'm sure that you've been busy of late, and so forth, but I wondered if I could make a request!

    As I've been trying to reconstruct my sims CC after a recent clean sweep of my computer, I've realized that I can no longer find a good copy of Peggy 494, and, also after said clean sweep, I've found myself replacing my retextures of hairs I love from other retexturers to yours, as yours are just perfect in their shiny loveliness. =D

    Here's a link to the search thread I made trying to find this hair, wherein someone posted the link to the mesh in their second post:

    If you could produce an adjust-shine version of this hair, that would be the most utterly marvelous thing. O_O

    Thank-you so much for your work!

