Monday 28 January 2013

Newsea's Sweet Slumber retextured!

Download @ Cstyles.


  1. Oooh this retexture is lovely the one I have in my game is way too shiny. Thanks so much for the work you're doing.

    Btw have you uploaded your dark haired model anywhere? I think she's lovely and would love to have her in game - thanks.

  2. I haven't uploaded her yet. I'll have to round up her cc and stuff but yeah, I'll share her soon. Glad she has a fan! :D

  3. I hate to make requests, because I it makes me feel like I'm taking advantage of someone else's talent. However, this is the best retexture of this hair that I have seen and I was just wondering if maybe we could get a streaked version? I left a request on Cstyles, but wasn't sure if you had seen it.

    1. You are not taking advantage of me, in fact I like helping people out. :3

      Also now that I think about it...a streaked version would look very cool, so yes I can get that done!

  4. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! You're awesome! :)
