Tuesday 29 January 2013

Bad Kid

I've done the male version...now to work on the female version. Anyway, I don't think I like this hair on dudes. Actually, I don't like mohawks in general on men. Or maybe it's 'cause it makes my models look incredibly stupid.


Sweet baby Jesus. The blonde one looks incredibly derpy with that hair. God, I need to fix him. Also this hair doesn't show off the texture too well. .-.


  1. I think you make just the most amazing retextures!! Totally LOVE!!

  2. Glad you're liking them! lol oh God I accidentally followed myself and now I don't know how to un-follow me. .-.

  3. Looks awesome! I've been looking for a hair like this :D When you'll upload it?

  4. Oh crap I forgot about that one. Uh, I still have to retexture the female version (which will take me about 10 minutes) and then take pictures...so I'll definitely have it up tomorrow.
